How I work
“I use the stitch as my primary drawing tool.”
As a textile artist, I reside firmly in the realm of collage in which there are infinite possibilities to add and subtract shapes, colors, textures, and patterns. I use the stitch as my primary drawing tool. I use fabric and paper as surfaces on which I can land ideas. Dye, ink, words, and thread are my constant companions. I take inspiration from the natural world. I listen to children. There is enormous library of translucency found in the sky, in the land, in our dwellings, and in our daily conversations with each other. Some of the looking, some of the listening winds up in my studio.
Read more about my artistic practice written in Surface Design Journal, Summer 2011.
Learn more about my work in Textile Collage
Learn more about my work in Mixed Media
Learn more about my Installations
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