Arts in the Community
Mariposa Youth Residency, Chapel Hill, NC
El Regalo de Lenna | Lenna's Gift , A bilingual Picture Book Project, 2019-2020
North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, NC
Youth Arts Camp, Summer, 2017, 2018, 2019
Duke Cancer Center, Durham, NC (Meredith College, Elon U., NCA&T, Spoonflower)
Wrap Your Head Around It, Text/Textile Residency, 2014-2015
Chapel Hill Public Library, Chapel Hill, NC (Chapel Hill Public Arts, OCAC, Sacrificial Poets)
Between the Lines, Textile Residency with youth poets, Orange County, NC, 2011
Hayes Barton United Methodist Church, Raleigh, NC
Textile Residency with congregation, created altar cloths, 2009
Raleigh Girls Club, Raleigh, NC (Artspace Outreach)
Sew Many Circles, Textile Residency, Spring 2007
Greensboro Public Library, Greensboro, NC
Tell Me a Patch, Story Quilt and Picture Book, library family patrons, 2006-2007
Orange County Senior Center, Hillsborough, NC (NCMA, OCAC)
Bending Color, Fiber Sculpture Installation, 2005-2006
McGirt Horton Library, Greensboro, NC
We Need Books Too!, Story Quilt Residency with library youth community, 2005
Raleigh Rescue Mission, Raleigh, NC (Artspace Outreach)
Wall Words, art quilt created from original children’s poetry with Raleigh Rescue youth, 2004-2005
Orange County Municipal Building (OCAC)
Excerpts, Collaborative Public Art Project engaging area artists, 2003
Durham Social Services, Durham, NC (NCAC)
Finding Your Way, Textile Residency with See Saw Studio teen and adult artists, 2002
Ipas, Chapel Hill, NC
A Daughters Geography, commissioned art quilt to honor Ipas employees, 1999
Sewn Stories, Textile Residency with Meredith College and NCSU students, 2003
Art Quest at Green Hill Center for NC Art, Greensboro, NC
Exhibit design for children’s interactive art museum, Created Architecture Corner with Jim Gallucci; 1996, 2006
Primary Explorations, 1996, Art Expeditions, 2001, Pablo’s Place, 2000
Hickory Museum of Art, Meet the Composer Residency, Hickory, NC
Breeze at My Window, Parade, Album, Music/Textile Residency with Hickory Elementary Students, 1998-2000
Works set to music by J. Mark Scearce resulting in orchestral piece: ZIGZAG, 2000